- Roof Leak Repairs
- Roof Maintenance
- Water-Test Leak Analysis
- Power Pressure Washing
- Rooftop & Gutter Cleaning
- Roof Consulting Services
- Roof Inspection Reports
- Exterior Building Wall Repairs
- Drain Repairs & Installations
- Pest Entry Repairs
- Wood Rot Repairs
- Skylight Repairs
- Chimney Repairs
- Gutter Repairs
- Deck Repairs
- Sealing Rooftop Equipment Areas
- Ponding Water Corrections
- Title 24 Solar Reflective Coatings
- Bird Deterrent Services

Professional Consulting Work
When installing a NEW ROOF (ONSITE MANUFACTURING WORK), you need to have ONSITE QUALITY CONTROL to make sure it is installed properly. We have very knowledgeable inspectors with over 30 years of roofing experience that know what they are looking & have a great deal of common sense!
Many of the job sites that we have overseen require at least 10 - 50 critical corrections &/or material modifications &/or design modifications. On some of the larger jobsites, we have had to make hundreds of corrections! This included corrections to other specialty contractors that were working on HVAC systems, custom flashing details, solar panel areas, skylight installations, plumbing work, etc. (Our inspectors are knowledgeable in other types of rooftop assemblies, also.)
Once the contractors working on the rooftop assemblies are aware that we know how to spot inferior materials, bait & switch tactics, improper material storage situations, improper material exposures, non-approved fasteners, improperly installed fasteners, weak substrate areas, proper type & installation of wood & steel components, proper types & installation procedures of roofing components, areas in need of reinforcements &/or design modifications, ETC., ETC., they usually send their best crew & cooperative in providing you with the best roof installation!
We've even had contractors that refused to make the proper corrections UNTIL we quoted the applicable building codes (&/or manufacturer's specifications) & expressed our concern over certain government agencies discovering that this was how they were installing their new roofs! That usually gets the correct cooperation. Sporadically, we've even had aggressive threats because we've caught inferior material installations (crew messed up!) & have required them to tear it back up & remove sections from the roof! Sometimes building owners have to get actively involved to get their contractors to follow their own contracts or be fired from the jobsite! (That's always a fun time!)
Through it all, we have probably saved our consulting clients TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars of property damages, lawsuits, health problems, etc. &/or for over-paying for substandard new roof installations. OUR CONSULTING SERVICES WILL SAVE YOU A GREAT DEAL OF AGGRAVATION, MONEY, TIME, HEALTH PROBLEMS &/or LAWSUITS!
NOTE: Make sure to call us BEFORE final contractor selection! We can help guide you towards better contractors & away from some of the terrible ones. We can also discuss your needs & make sure everyone is bidding apples to apples (so you can get accurate cost comparisons!). We may even be able to show you ways to save money & do a better job. Also, they need to be notified that a roofing consultant will be overseeing their work (& it should be inserted into their final contract). Call us today to discuss your specific needs.
Call AMERICAN ROOFMASTERS! We will properly "Watch Your Back" & make sure that you are getting what you paid for! A properly installed, water-tight, rooftop assembly!